
SICK. Bette Midler Posts Disgusting Tweet Attacking Melania Trump, President Trump ‘Wee Wee’ and Mocking the Mentally Ill

- Juni 20, 2019

Earlier this month singer Better Midler, a longtime Trump hater, shared a “quote” from the president with her 1.6 million Twitter followers that was “liked” more than 27,000 and retweeted more than 10,000 times.

Midler said that in 1998, Trump said he would one day run as a Republican because they are the “dumbest group of voters.”

“He certainly knew his crowd,” Midler added.

Turns out that tired old quote has been around for years — and debunked by several so-called fact-checking organizations, including the heavily left-leaning Snopes.

Midler later apologized for her mistake.

President Trump later lit up the “washed up psycho” Bette Midler, calling her a “sick scammer!”

“Washed up psycho @BetteMidler was forced to apologize for a statement she attributed to me that turned out to be totally fabricated by her in order to make “your great president” look really bad. She got caught, just like the Fake News Media gets caught. A sick scammer!” Trump tweeted.

On Tuesday washed up actress Bette Midler attacked Melania Trump, President Trump and the mentally ill.
This is a new low for Midler.

Of course, she still has her Twitter account.

The post SICK. Bette Midler Posts Disgusting Tweet Attacking Melania Trump, President Trump ‘Wee Wee’ and Mocking the Mentally Ill appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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