
“Biden Does Have A Problem” On Ukraine Says… CNN Contributor (VIDEO)

- September 24, 2019

While most of the people in media are pushing the Democrat narrative on Ukraine, they are ignoring Joe Biden’s problems on this issue.

One contributor on CNN spoke out though, and he was quite frank.

Joe Biden has a problem here.

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

Burisma ‘Clearly’ Paid Hunter Biden to Sell Influence, Says CNN Contributor

Joe Biden’s family ties to an influence peddling scheme at a Ukrainian gas company could hurt the former vice president’s 2020 campaign, political scientist Ian Bremmer told CNN on Tuesday.

“[Joe] Biden does have a problem here. I have to say $50,000 a month for Hunter Biden—clearly to be selling influence because otherwise, no one would ever pay him that kind of money—for a company that, frankly, was pretty corrupt and has been before and has been since under investigation,” Bremmer said….

“It’s hard to imagine Joe Biden wasn’t aware of it,” Bremmer said. “I expect that President Obama, if he had known about the reality of the situation, would’ve probably told Biden ‘get rid of this, we shouldn’t have your son working in this situation.’ That would have cost him something. I fear even if maybe Biden wasn’t aware but Biden should’ve been aware that that would cause an issue for him.”

Watch the video:

People are talking about this on Twitter:

Biden has some serious questions that need answering.

Will the media ask them?

Cross posted from American Lookout.

The post “Biden Does Have A Problem” On Ukraine Says… CNN Contributor (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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