
Comic Book Legends Team Up With OAN Reporter Jack Posobiec to Create ‘Agent Poso: TASK FORCE AEGIS’

- September 24, 2019

Comic book legends Chuck Dixon, Brett Smith and Sergio Cariello have teamed up with author and One America News reporter Jack Posobiec to create an exciting new project for an audience that has become weary of the big companies forcing a social justice agenda down your throat.

The crew creating the comic book Agent Poso: TASK FORCE AEGIS are the writer and artists behind the Clinton Cash and Trump Space Force graphic novels.

Task Force AEGIS will take place approximately ten years in the future and tackle geopolitical issues that are “fast-forwarded” from issues we are facing today, “stories ripped from tomorrow’s headlines.”

“The entertainment industry is in crisis. Hollywood and the streaming platforms are busy attacking American values, and the major comic book companies are no longer interested in telling great stories of high adventure — only of showcasing their own progressive politics,” said Posobiec, the subject of the comic.

The goal of the comic is to tell an spy-thriller adventure story that readers of all ages can enjoy.

“It’s not about white papers and op-eds. You can’t fight a culture war unless you are creating culture and that’s why this team came together to do a comic about Agent Poso and fight back against an entertainment industry taken over by the left in the last 30 years,” Smith said in a statement about the project.

The creators of the comic approached Posobiec following the success of Trump Space Force. They explained that because he has served as a US Navy intelligence officer and has become a “tireless conservative warrior in the fight against the left” he was the perfect person for their project.

“We are excited to work with Jack and others in the new conservative/MAGA movement to send a message to Hollywood that they don’t own us anymore. This start of an all-new franchise with Agent Poso and TASK FORCE AEGIS is part of the new wave of conservative counterculture,” a statement from the creators said.

Dixon added that working with Posobiec on the project was “irresistible.”

“Coming together with Jack on this adventure was irresistible. We’re gonna do some comics for the rest of us. He understands that the right needs to utilize the power of pop culture. This isn’t political content. It’s an espionage, war on terror thriller with action, violence, beautiful women, and bad guys. Fighting globalists and eco-terrorists today is this same as when James Bond fought communists in the Cold War. I can’t wait for people to see what we’ve made,” Dixon said.

This reporter and popular Instagrammer ‘DC Draino’ will also be featured in the comic as members of the task force.

The comic book has already crowdfunded nearly $10,000. Those who wish to contribute to the project or pre-order a comic book or two can do so on their Indiegogo campaign.

The post Comic Book Legends Team Up With OAN Reporter Jack Posobiec to Create ‘Agent Poso: TASK FORCE AEGIS’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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