
DC INSIDER: Second Trump Whistleblower Is the Source for First Whistleblower – It’s a CIA “Feedback Loop” (VIDEO)

- Oktober 07, 2019

Peter Van Buren is a former State Department official and a whistleblower.

On Monday he spoke with Tucker Carlson on the current Democrat-Deep State coordinated attack to remove President Trump in a political coup.

Peter described the current accusations of the left as a “three way pitch-and-toss” between the Democrat Party, the liberal media and these deep state whistleblowers.

Van Buren then alleged that the second whistleblower is actually an accomplice with the first whistleblower.

Peter Van Buren: The second whistleblower is actually the source for the first whistleblower which means it’s all the same thing. Now this is different in the Kavanaugh case when they sent Michael Avenatti out to find additional victims wherever he could… In fact he’s simply the source for the first whistleblower. The CIA, this is an old trick. It’s called a feedback loop. And essentially what you do is you set up one of your sources to back up another source and you make it appear that your initial source is more credible by feeding information into the loop. That’s what seems to be going on here. They’re repurposing a witness as a second whistleblower.

Via Tucker Carlson Tonight:

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