
Did You Know In-N-Out is Spreading the Word of God? The Chain’s President Opens Up About Her Family’s Christian Principles

- Oktober 07, 2019



Do you know the joy of a Double Double? Have you felt the elation of Animal Style fries?

The West’s best fast food chain has a secret, and it’s right beneath their reasonably-priced one-way tickets to palatable ecstasy.

On the bottom of cups and cartons at In-N-Out sit messages to the delectable destination’s customers.

Here’s one:

“For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again, But the wicked stumble in time of calamity.”

Proverbs 24:16 (NASB)

That’s beneath the french fry tray.

Want a refreshing beverage? Here’s what your root beer will tell you:

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His [a]only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”

John 3:16 (NASB)

Even water comes with a reminder:

“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.'”

John 14:6 (NASB).

You could go your whole life and never know the references were there; In-N-Out isn’t into beating people over the heads.

But the privately-owned portal to heaven and the family overseeing it were both founded on Christian principles.

Speaking to The Christian Post recently, President Lynsi Snyder — whose grandparents launched the first In-N-Out in 1948 — discussed her personal trials and her help from above.

The 37-year-old lost her father when she was 17. That led to drug and alcohol abuse, as well as three rocky marriages.

But that was then:

“I finally found that the deep need in my heart can only be filled by Jesus and my identity in Him.”

Now, in addition to running a restaurant empire — she was a billionaire before the age of 35 — Lynsi is sponsor of the Army of Love ministry.

The organization’s purpose: to “unify the body of Christ into soldiers” and “unite various ministries.”

She wants to share to joy she’s found:

“The battle over souls is being waged in the heavenly. We want to be on the front lines of this battle to save the lost and bring fallen Christians back to their first love.”

As for the scriptures — which were her Uncle Richard’s idea — she explained, “It’s a family business and will always be, and that’s a family touch.”

Richard began with John 3:16 on the bottom of cups to honor his own rededication to God.

As for a commitment to expansion, Lynsi’s content to keep the Christian-owned burger joint small:

“I like that we’re unique. That we’re not on every corner. You put us in every state and it takes away some of its luster.”

It seems to be working out; In-N-Out’s current worth is estimated at $3 billion.

If you land anywhere near one, I suggest you immediately add to that number.

Benevolence has never been more delicious.



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The post Did You Know In-N-Out is Spreading the Word of God? The Chain’s President Opens Up About Her Family’s Christian Principles appeared first on RedState.


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