
HERE WE GO: Democrats Emboldened by Judge’s Order Forcing McGahn to Testify – Target Other Senior Trump Officials For Testimony

- November 25, 2019

Schiff, Nadler

Here we go!

Two Democrat chairmen were emboldened after Obama-appointed U.S. District Court Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson ruled Monday that Don McGahn must testify to Congress about his time as Trump’s White House counsel.

Justice Department lawyers argued Don McGahn had “absolute immunity” from testifying because he was a member of President Trump’s inner circle and Trump should have the ability to seek candid advice from his closest advisors and legal counsel.

DOJ lawyers also argued that federal courts (unelected judges) have no business getting involved in a dispute between the executive branch and the legislative branch.

But the overzealous Obama judge wrote in her 120 page opinion, “DOJ promotes a conception of separation-of-powers principles that gets these constitutional commands exactly backwards. In reality, it is a core tenet of this Nation’s founding that the powers of a monarch must be split between the branches of the government to prevent tyranny.”

House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) and House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) on Monday evening crawled out of their holes and celebrated Judge Jackson’s ruling.

The two Democrat chairmen targeted other senior Trump admin officials who argued “absolute immunity” from testifying.

The Trump admin has sought to block senior aides from testifying such as former national security adviser John Bolton, Bolton’s deputy, Charles Kupperman, and acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, claiming they have “absolute immunity.”

Bolton has already agreed to testify to Congress.

NADLER: I am pleased the court has recognized that the Trump Administration has no grounds to withhold critical witness testimony from the Hse during its impeachment inquiry..McGahn is a central witness to allegations that..Trump obstructed Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation

Schiff said, “With today’s ruling, the courts have made it absolutely clear with Don McGahn that absolute immunity is not a legitimate basis by which to prohibit senior White House officials from testifying before Congress.”

A Justice Department spokesperson said Monday evening that it will appeal judge Jackson’s ruling.

The post HERE WE GO: Democrats Emboldened by Judge’s Order Forcing McGahn to Testify – Target Other Senior Trump Officials For Testimony appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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