
Top Conservative and Pro-Trump Website Zero Hedge is Suspended from Twitter — WHERE THE HELL IS THE GOP?

- Januari 31, 2020

The tech giants Google, Facebook and Twitter continue to purge conservative content from their platforms.

In February 2018 Facebook launched a new algorithm to ensure that conservative news would not spread on the social media platform.

The algorithm change caused President Donald Trump’s engagement on Facebook posts to plummet a whopping 45%.

In contrast, Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) do not appear to have suffered a comparable decline in Facebook engagement.

Top pro-Trump Facebook pages with daily traffic in the millions have seen 75% to 95% drop in traffic since the 2016 election.  Young Cons, Western Journalism, SarahPalin.com, Independent Journal Review, Right Wing News, and several others have seen dramatic loss in traffic.

In 2016 The Gateway Pundit was one of the few conservative sites that supported candidate Trump – along with Breitbart, The Drudge Report, Infowars, Zero Hedge, Conservative Treehouse and others.  We were proud of our efforts to report the truth that led to Trump’s historic win.

In 2017 Harvard and Columbia Journalism Review found that The Gateway Pundit was the 4th most influential conservative news source in the 2016 election.

Because of this we were targeted and saw our numbers related to Facebook and Twitter decline dramatically.

Facebook eventually shut down our traffic stream from the social media platform questioning our news reports.  Today it is clear that our reporting was 100% accurate but it was taken down anyway.  And the leftie mainstream media was allowed to promote their inaccurate Trump hit pieces at the same time for years.

This is corrupt, if not criminal, behavior.

In March 2018 Trump 2020 Campaign Manager Brad Parscale warned Facebook to keep the playing field level.

Dozens of conservative websites have been banned and shutdown by Facebook and YouTube since then.
Without online pro-Trump voices it will be difficult for Republicans to win.

If people do not have the correct information how are they expected to make the correct decisions?

On Friday Twitter took down the Zero Hedge account.

Zero Hedge, an economics website, is one of the largest pro-Trump websites on the internet.

Zero Hedge told the Gateway Pundit they appealed the suspension.

“We have no idea what prompted Twitter’s actions, however if it is in response to a recent Buzzfeed article claiming we “doxxed” a Chinese doctor researching coronavirus in bats, that information was already public,” Zero Hedge told the Gateway Pundit.

Twitter just suspended them.


Two years ago Brad Parscale told the tech giants he was watching them.  The tech giants never stopped targeting conservative publishers.  It’s time for the Republicans to act.  It’s time to end this criminal censorship by the far left tech giants.

The post Top Conservative and Pro-Trump Website Zero Hedge is Suspended from Twitter — WHERE THE HELL IS THE GOP? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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