
Chris Matthews Melts Down – Compares Commie Bernie Sanders Winning Nevada to France Falling to the Nazis in 1940 (VIDEO)

- Februari 22, 2020

Apparently Bernie Sanders does not give Chris Matthews a tingling sensation up his leg.

FOX News called the Nevada Democrat Caucuses at 5:30 PM ET on Saturday.
Communist Bernie Sanders won big in Nevada with 55% of the vote with 5% reporting

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews melted down and compared Communist Bernie Sanders winning the Nevada caucuses on Saturday to France falling to the Nazis in 1940.

“I’m reading last night about the fall of France in the summer of 1940 and the general calls up Churchill and says ‘It’s over,’ and Churchill says ‘how could it be? You have the greatest army in Europe — how could it be over?’ He said, ‘it’s over’ — so I had that suppressed feeling…” Matthews said.


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