
Mitt Romney is Right on School Shootings, Despite Trump Wing Attacks

- Februari 18, 2018

The Trump Wing of the GOP is having hysterical fits about Mitt Romney. They’ll say anything to try to take him down, but he’s right about school shootings.

President-elect Donald Trump calls out to the media as Mitt Romney leaves Trump National Golf Club Bedminster in Bedminster, N.J., Saturday, Nov. 19, 2016. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Mitt Romney is running for Senate in such a strong position that his announcement video didn’t even mention his name. He didn’t even feel the need to say “I’m Mitt Romney.” It’s no wonder a top establishment figure in the state attacked him.

Mitt Romney is a threat to the Trump establishment because he’s that powerful. Everyone knows who he is, and he’s not beholden to anyone to gain or keep his standing in the Utah GOP. Neither Mitch McConnell nor Donald Trump will have any ability to bully him about anything. Senator Romney would be free to take any position of conscience that he wants, even more so than Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul are able to.

That makes him a threat to Trump establishment power, and so they must try to take him down. The latest shot against him is that he’s joining the gun grabbers, which is absolutely not true. His positions are perfectly in step with Republicans:

He encouraged states to consider solutions like building security, police patrols and intervention teams. He also said he would back a measure to bolster the federal database for firearms background checks.

“I think we can’t just sit and wait and hope for things to get better,” he said. “It is wrong and unacceptable for children in our schools to fear for their lives.”

What do Romney’s critics propose? That we do just sit, wait, and do nothing? When evil people seek to murder us, inaction is traditionally not the Republican preferred response.

What exactly is wrong with getting greater security into public schools, including the reversing of gun free zone policies to get armed security there? Or making sure that convicted violent criminals, who are already by law supposed to be in databases barring them from acquiring more guns, are actually put in?

We keep hearing about the failure to flag people who, under current law, were supposed to be flagged as threats. Conservatives tend to support the withholding of civil rights, including voting, from convicted felons. Why should we not also restrict second amendment rights from individuals known to be a threat?

Mitt Romney is right on this, and the attacks on him just show how worried the DC leadership is about him joining the Senate as a maverick accountable only to the voters of Utah.

The post Mitt Romney is Right on School Shootings, Despite Trump Wing Attacks appeared first on RedState.


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