
EPIC! Democrat Senator SLAMMED at Presser: “Do You Honestly Believe Judge Kavanaugh Was Leader of Teenage Irish Catholic Rape Gang?”

- Oktober 03, 2018

On Monday, William J. Kelly, a conservative Chicago reporter, confronted Sen. Durbin during his press conference on Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Kelly was initially barred from entering the press conference and was harassed by Durbin’s staff but that apparently didn’t stop him as you will see in the video.

Kelly fired off questions to the liberal senator about Brett Kavanaugh, “Senator, do you really believe Kavanaugh was the leader of a teenager Irish Catholic rape gang?”

Durbin, like other Democrats, believe Kavanaugh is guilty as charged and due process should be ignored.

Kelly also asked Durbin if – since he’s called for FBI investigation into the accusations against Kavanaugh –if he will call for a federal probe into Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s Chicago Public School sex abuse and rape scandal.

Durbin has publicly given Rahm Emanuel a pass on the scandal – despite that he appoints the president and the board of the Chicago Board of Education that knew about the cases. No one on the board has been fired. The Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan is also not investigating this. She is investigating the Catholic Church in Illinois because of the Pennsylvania grand jury report instead. Months after it was reported in the Chicago Tribune, there is only an internal investigation into Chicago Public Schools rape cases – no independent investigation. So the same people who knew about this for the last eight years are investigating it internally.

Given what Durbin and friends are doing to Judge Kavanaugh, their absolute hypocrisy on sexual abuse in Chicago is stunning.

Here’s the video:
(Sparks fly at 2:54)

The post EPIC! Democrat Senator SLAMMED at Presser: “Do You Honestly Believe Judge Kavanaugh Was Leader of Teenage Irish Catholic Rape Gang?” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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