
REPORT: FBI Done With Kavanaugh Probe by Tomorrow – Chuck Schumer Attempts to Delay Confirmation Vote AGAIN

- Oktober 03, 2018

The FBI will finish its supplemental probe of Judge Kavanaugh by late Tuesday or early Wednesday according to a new report out by the Wall Street Journal.

The Wall Street Journal reported:

People familiar with the process said Tuesday that the FBI investigation into the allegations of sexual misconduct against Judge Kavanaugh could wrap up very soon, well ahead of the end-of week deadline.

GOP aides on the Hill and another person familiar with the process said they were expecting the bureau to conclude its report as soon as late Tuesday or early Wednesday. Agents had interviewed at least four key people as of Tuesday in its background investigation of Judge Kavanaugh. The White House had given the bureau until Friday to wrap up the probe.

Senators would then be shown the FBI’s findings, but it wasn’t clear if the public would get a look as well.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) said on Tuesday the report was expected “soon” and “will be made available to each senator and only senators will be allowed to look at it.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s next step is to file cloture to end debate.

The Senate is done for the day and Mitch McConnell did not file cloture to end debate on Kavanaugh, reported FOX News Congress reporter Chad Pergram.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is trying to delay the confirmation vote yet again.

On Tuesday, Chuck Schumer told Mitch McConnell he wants an FBI briefing on Brett Kavanaugh’s report 24 hrs before the Senate votes on cloture to end debate on the nomination.

“It is essential that Senators not only have access to the completed background investigation file, but that FBI officials be made available 24 hours before the Senate votes on cloture in order to answer Senators’ questions about what specific investigative steps were taken, what evidence was collected, and which witnesses were interviewed,” Schumer said in a letter to McConnell.

Once McConnell files cloture to end debate, it must lay over untouched for 24 hours before it ‘ripens’ and is ready for a vote.

Kavanaugh’s opponents then have 30 hours to debate–afterwards, the confirmation votes goes to the Senate floor.

McConnell said Tuesday from the Senate floor that a vote on Kavanaugh will happen this week (most likely Saturday). Schumer demanding another 24 hours will drag the confirmation vote into next week.

The post REPORT: FBI Done With Kavanaugh Probe by Tomorrow – Chuck Schumer Attempts to Delay Confirmation Vote AGAIN appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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