
Pro-Trump Pac Releases New Ad “POWER” – Hits Democrats on Their War-on-Women Hypocrisy, Rapes and Beatings (VIDEO)

- Oktober 03, 2018

On Tuesday The Gateway Pundit announced out 2018 midterm election predictions — A Republican landslide.

We have never seen the huge amount of energy generated for Republican candidates that we have seen the past two weeks.

Democrats and their push for lawlessness and accusations of gang-rape against Judge Brett Kavanaugh have enraged American conservatives, populists and moderates.

On Tuesday the pro-Trump organization Great America Pac released a powerful new ad called, “Power.” The ad is playing on Fox News and other outlets. This ad hits Democrats on their “war-on-women” hypocrisy, and includes Keith Ellison along with Bill Clinton and Harvey Weinstein.

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